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I Threw a Tomato at Someone and it was Amazing

Wednesday night is date night and I love date night.  A good dinner, a good bottle of wine, and a movie. It’s the perfect way to break up the week. This week I decided to show of my expert culinary skills and made scallops in the sous vide accompanied by a tasty cauliflower puree in the pressure cooker. I gave myself a 5 star rating, but I may be biased.

After dinner we decided to watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. What does it mean? You Don’t Get Life a Second Time.  The 1/2 English, 1/2 Hindi movie was quite confusing at first but subtitles remedied the main question… Was that English?  The story is about three friends, three adventures, and three life changing experiences. A comedy/drama that I actually really enjoyed. (I’m all about life movies.) One of the three adventures really left me feeling inspired. It included truck loads of tomatoes, La Tomatina (the tomato throwing festival in Spain), and hundreds of tomatoey people. I couldn’t help but to think of that one lone tomato sitting on my kitchen counter. What in the world was I ever going to do with that one tomato?

When the movie was over and my wine finished, my thoughts kept drifting back to the tomato. Yes, La Tomatina looked really messy and perhaps tomato juice is bad for the eyes, but they were having so much fun! I want to throw a tomato at someone. Now, it is clearly defined in the rules of tomato throwing that you have to squeeze the tomato first AND then you can throw it at someone. I imagine if you just chuck a tomato at someone and hit them upside the head, it would hurt. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.

I couldn’t help it. I ran to grab the tomato. (I couldn’t let Mario get there first.) My mind went back and forth as I contemplated my next action. Do I do it? Do I not do it? This is silly. Oh, but I really want to squeeze this tomato and throw it at Mario. Then I would have to clean it up. Do I want to clean it up? Would it be bad for the floors? How old am I again? What are the pros? What are the cons? Is he going to be mad? Now Mario knew what I was thinking and we were both laughing pretty hard. I figured since we were both laughing so much, he couldn’t be that mad. Then… splat! I did it. I squeezed that tomato and threw it at Mario’s head. Well more like gently placed it on his head and called it a little red hat, but it was the closest to tomato throwing I’d ever been. It was one of those rare moments in life when we both had tears coming down our faces because we were laughing so hard. Then he took his new “little red hat” and starting chasing me around the house. Not. Cool.

Yes, tomato throwing isn’t something your normal 31 year old “adult” does. But it was fun. It made us laugh. And there was no harm done. Why don’t we have more fun in life like that? Why do we analyze things so much that we take the fun out of them? Why don’t we do more random, crazy things? That was by far one of my favorite date nights and I owe it all to that one tomato I decided not to juice earlier in the week. I knew I would need it later but I just didn’t know what for. Novelty, fun, and a little silliness make life way more entertaining. As stated by the great philosopher Plato, “Life must be lived as play.” Now go have some fun.

I think Costco is having a sale on tomatoes…

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


There was a time, and it really wasn’t that long ago, that I lay in my hospital bed throbbing in pain, pretty hopeless, and certain I would not set foot on my favorite running paths for at least six months. It was a time that I can still remember so vividly, but yet it seems like a lifetime ago. At the time I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t see recovery and I couldn’t see the silver lining. Instead my mind wandered off to the bad things. All fitness would be lost, I would never be able to do the one thing I love so dearly ever again, and my exercise would take place inside a gym, one of my least favorite places.

During one of my many afternoons on the couch, I watched a Usain Bolt documentary. (I totally recommend it by the way.) At the end, a song came on and it immediately gave me goosebumps. I went to download it right away. The song is by Sean Paul and it is called “Hold On“. The verse that spoke to me the most goes like this:

“Although the road is long, we still hold on.
We carry on on, we still stay strong.
Today is long but tomorrow will come.
Hold on. Hold on now.”

I decided from that point that, that would be my philosophy.

Yesterday I was having a pretty kick ass workout at the gym and the song came on my iPod. Right then and there, during the middle of my tabata session, I had to reflect. I started thinking about where I was 7 weeks ago and where I am today. From a walker and shots in my stomach to 95% healed and the promise of running just three weeks away. My outlook is completely different. It has been a long road and there were many long days. But my tomorrow finally got here and I know there will be another tomorrow that is even better.

The mind chatter and the things we tell ourselves every day have a huge impact on where we go in life. Along with that, when we are in a not so great place and our patience is thin, we only add to the suffering. The 13th century Persian poet Rumi wrote that “Patience is the key to joy”. And when we are patient, our results are immediate.

Be patient with yourself. And no matter how long today is, tomorrow will get here. Eventually.

Happy Trails and Happy Running,

Injury Update: I had a follow up appointment Monday with my doctor. According to my X-ray. I’m about 95% healed and in the 99th percentile as far as the healing process goes. At one point he just started laughing and said I was so far ahead of most people who had this surgery and if I wanted to run Boston next year, it was totally doable. (Don’t worry, I’m not putting that on my calendar just yet.) And the best news was that I could ease myself back into running in about 3 weeks. Only with a mile or two, but at least it’s something!


