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Posts tagged ‘long run’

In the Long Run

Seth Godin certainly doesn’t write about running. However, I love reading his blogs. They are short, insightful, and well written. His blog post today, The Long Run Keeps Getting Shorter, was particularly interesting to me. Here it is:

Seth Godin:

In the long run, we’re all dead, sure that’s still true.

But the other long run effects–in the long run, you get caught, in the long run, kindness wins out, in the long run, we learn about who you really are–all of those are happening faster than they used to.

The short run has always been short (and it’s getting shorter still). The real change, though, is how short the long run is getting.

My favorite part, “…in the long run, we learn about who you really are…”. Whether talking about life or 20 miles on the trails, I find this line to be very true. I always finish a long run feeling slightly wiser than when I started.

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Running Update: Today I did something that I haven’t done in in forever – I slept in until 7:30am! The roads were super icy so I knew I was going to have to run tomorrow. However, the sun came out this afternoon and melted everything away. I got in an easy 3 miles. My splits were 8:01, 7:49, and 7:13. (Stats are here.) I’m definitely feeling more aerobically fit and hope I can stay this way for race day. Tomorrow will be my 20 miler. As always, I’m looking forward to it!

Weekend Long Run Motivation

I love Meb Keflezighi. Mainly for his relentless drive to always do his best and be the best. Before my speed workout on Tuesday, I watched this video. It brought a smile to my face. The best part – when Meb recounts how his running talent was discovered. His middle school PE teacher said in order to get an A, you have to run really fast. So what did Meb do? Run a 5:20 mile. He came to America with nothing but the clothes on his back and has turned into an inspirational marathon legend. Meb makes me work harder. Read more

Mid Week Long Run

If there is one thing I am learning from my coach, it is that every run has its purpose. Regular runs are whatever comfortable pace I’m feeling for the day. Speed workouts are at the track and medium long runs are slower while being just a little longer. Knowing this has really helped me to adress each run differently but with the right mentality. If I thought every run would be the same effort level, I’d probably get bored pretty quickly. Read more

Dear Running…

My scheduled run this morning was a 14 miler with 13.1 miles at half marathon race pace. Yesterday I iced, stretched, foam rolled, and rested but I still wasn’t sure if I would be able to get in the miles today. Instead of my normal pre long run ritual on Friday night, Mario and I went out for a night on the town. Luckily, I still managed to get up at 6am and put on my running clothes. I didn’t have anything to eat beforehand (practicing my carb depleting), only water and coffee. I just wanted to get out the door and see how my leg felt.

Throughout my run, my leg ached but it was nothing that would make me cut my run short. I stopped and stretched it every now and then and I tried not to worry about the 13 miles at race pace. While I was out there running, I realized what an overall appreciation I have for running. Nothing makes me feel more like myself than when I’m outside, just running. (I completely understand how Forrest Gump felt when he said “I just felt like running”.) Whenever I’m not running because of an injury or there aren’t enough hours in the day, I really suffer mentally. Granted, I am very thankful for my cross training, but it just isn’t the same. Running makes me feel like me.

During my run this morning, I decided to write running a letter. Running needs to know how much I appreciate it. Call me cheesy or call me silly, but I think the other runners of the world know where I’m coming from. Here you go – my love letter to running 🙂

Dear Running,

I want to let you know that I think about you all the time. Not just one in a while, but ALL the time. Most of what I do in any given day, is done with you in mind. My meals are planned around you, my Friday nights are planned around you, and at least one day of the weekend, is devoted entirely to you. Today I tried to remember what I did on Saturdays before we met, and I can’t seem to remember. Truth be told, I don’t think I want to remember.

I realize from time to time, our relationship can be rocky. Sometimes I take you for granted, and I push a little too hard.  It’s obvious you don’t like it because you go away for a few weeks. For all the times I have mistreated you, I am sorry. But we are in this relationship together, and I am always learning how to make us work best. And isn’t that how any good relationship works? We stick together through the good and the bad.

Today you reminded me of why I love you so much. After being apart for two weeks, our 14 miler was just like old times. Nothing makes me feel freer, more like myself, or happier than finding our stride and effortlessly running the streets of Raleigh. Because of you, I believe in the power I have to do amazing things. You have given me the strength and the confidence to take on this thing we call life. Thank you.

As the years go by, I know our relationship will change. Things will happen and we might not be able to spend so much time together. That’s okay because I know you’ll always be there. And we may not be able to set the PRs that we did in our younger years, but our relationship will be on a different level. A more mature level. I look forward to growing old with you.

I have only known you for 11 years and they have been the best 11 years of my life. You helped me to realize who I am as a person and taught me a thing or two about life. For that, I am forever grateful. I’m looking forward to our next 50+ years together. Together, we will be amazing,

Much Love,



After 2 1/2 weeks of no running, I was happy with this. I got in a few miles at 7:00 and a few at 6:53. It was a BEAUTIFUL day here in Raleigh!!


Next week is my last 22 miler before race day. Fingers crossed I can stay healthy!

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Long Run Pace

Long run pace is something I always struggle with.  According to my goal marathon time, I should be doing my long runs anywhere from 8:37 to 9:44 min/mile.  The last time I ran a long run at 8:37 was the 11 miler I did the day after the 5 mile race that I won. 🙂 Other than that, I’m always running faster and I know I need to slow down.  Mentally though, I find it very difficult to slow down that much.

The weekend after my Boston disaster. I decided to tackle my long run a little differently.  I did an easy 11 miles at around 8:35/mile, then 7 miles at 7:25/mile and then 4 miles at 8:40/mile.  It really was the best 22 miler I had ever done.  Having that easy start with those tougher miles in the middle followed by a cool down made it go by so much quicker and I loved it.  In preparation for my 18 miler this weekend, I wanted to look into what other people had to say about the long run pace.  Today, I’m going to focus on what Jack Daniels (not the liquor) has to say…

Jack Daniels:

When you do your long (L) runs, you should run at a pace which is very close to (E) (easy-run) velocity, which is about 70% of V02max. Long runs (L), improve cell adaptation, and lead to glycogen depletion and fluid loss (important considerations for distance runners), but should not be demanding in terms of the intensity (pace) being utilized.

Daniels’ popularized running formula is used to calculate your VDOT and from there, you can determine your pace for certain workouts as well as projected finish times for other races.  I’m more focused on the long run but you can read more about his formula here and here.  Daniels, along with other running experts suggest running the first part of your long run at your easy pace and then gradually accelerate to marathon pace over the last 8-10 miles.  I found this awesome (and very detailed) calculator that uses Daniels’ running formula to plan your long runs.  The long runs include miles at an easy pace, miles at marathon pace, and miles at tempo pace.  Luckily this isn’t for every long run, but instead for every other long run – depending on which plan you follow.  I need something like this to break up the long run.  It helps me so much mentally and I think I would do well following this type of workout.  Assuming that I still stick to doing other long runs at a steady easy pace…

I’d love to know if anyone else has used Daniels’ running formula to train for a race or if you have any other long run pace suggestions.  Until then, I’m looking forward to changing things up this Saturday.

Sending many happy running thoughts your way,


Check out my green smoothie from this morning… it’s so green!! But it was delicious and it helped me to have a fabulous hill workout.