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Posts tagged ‘ben greenfield’


I found this interesting…

According to this short video by Ben Greenfield, about 95% of people train too much and toxify their bodies.

Currently BG’s training schedule includes lifting 3 days a week, short (but intense) mountain bike rides, a 20-30 minute run, 2 tennis matches, and 1 10×30 second sprint treadmill session. When you think about it, that really isn’t a lot for someone who won his last Ironman triathlon. Right now he is only training 6-8 hours a week. Read more

Adaptogenic Herbs

Although I have not been doing a good job of listening to my favorite podcast, Ben Greenfield Fitness, I am at least still able to follow his blog. I was reading this post today, and his mention of adaptogenic herbs reminded me of how MUCH he talks about them. He always mentions his adaptogenic herb tea on his podcast and also includes them in his blog posts occasionally. I finally had to ask myself today, What are adaptogenic herbs?

Basically these herbs are used as supplements to help fight of stressors to the body. They can help slow down stress and aging, enhance the body’s resistance to stressors, maintain antioxidant balance, mediate inflammatory response,  and manage endocrine and neuroendocrine balance. In other words, they help the body to maintain a state of homeostasis. Think ancient Chinese medicine…

Dr. Bertrand Babient

There are many different types of adaptogens, but some of the best-known herbs used to protect the body against degeneration and aging fall into the following three categories:

Global system regulators
These herbs are known to have a global impact on the body and to prevent aging. They are Pamax, ginseng, Siberian ginseng (eleuthero), rhodiola, ashwagandha and Holy Basil.

Cellular and immune regulators
These herbs, also called companion adaptogens, are used specifically to support the immune system of the cells and to prevent degenerative diseases. They include turmeric, green tea, rosemary, grape seed (proanthocyianidin), grape skin (resveratrol) and ginger.

Specific regulators

These herbs target specific issues and include licorice and fo-ti (for energy and sleep), gotu kola (for connective tissue), ginkgo biloba (for circulation) and royal jelly (for mental alertness).

There are quite a few articles out there on the importance of adaptogenic herbs and their role in the response of the adrenal glands to stressors. This article from Livestrong gives a brief description of this role as well as explains how to incorporate adaptogenic herbs into your diet. From what I’ve read, it seems adaptogenic teas are a pretty easy and convient way  to consume them. I tweeted @BenGreenfield to ask what brand he drinks and I’m still waiting for a reply. (It was only 10 minutes ago.) (UPDATE: Ben Greenfield uses TianChi and says nothing else even comes close.) In the meantime, here is a very detailed description of the importance of adaptogenic herbs as well as what herbs come from what part of the world and what they are good for. Maybe I’ll substitute my green smoothie for a new tea 🙂 I think it could be a good addition to my diet…

Photo Source: Wizdomseeker, Wikimedia Commons

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

One of my favorite podcasts by far (along with This American Life) is the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast.  Ben Greenfield is an endless supply of awesome fitness and nutrition information.  Every morning when I’m getting ready for work, I get my daily dose of Mr. Greenfield and I always learn something new.  Today, a listener had called in with a question about his breathing (or inability to breathe) during his triathlon because he would get so nervous and tense.  In giving him advice, Ben mentioned a relaxation technique that many athletes use to help with the anxiety, muscle tightness, and working through those hard efforts.  It’s called progressive muscle relaxation.   Read more

The Best Running Podcast (ever)

I’m a huge fan of podcasts – it’s a free way to learn about any and everything.  A few days ago I reached out to my twitter followers and asked what running podcasts are worthy of a download.  I had a few responses, not many, (come on fellow tweeters – help a runner out), and someone mentioned a podcast that led me to Endurance Planet.  I have found this podcast to be the most resourceful, informative, and helpful podcast ever downloaded on my iPhone. One of the main contributors is Ben Greenfield, a master so to speak, in the art of nutrition, triathlons, and personal training.  Mr. Greenfield literally talks about everything I have always wanted to ask a professional runner.  Although he is a triathlete (and a good one at that), his information can be utilized by anyone trying to achieve a fitness goal.  I must have already listened to five (I have a little drive to and from work), and I already feel like I could answer any question you threw my way. His stuff is awesome.  Let me tell you why Ben Greenfield and Endurance Planet are worthy of your 30 minutes:

1) I’ll start with an intro to his December 15, 2011 podcast-
Ben Greenfield answers your questions on: Drinking carbonated water, will it negatively affect performance?  How should fueling change for freezing-temp bike rides?  Not eating before a marathon unless it’s at least 3 hrs prior to a race?  Caffeine intake: What is the proper timing, formulation, dose, duration for endurance performance?  Maltodextrin and glucose in fuel?  And energy drinks: how bad are they, really?

Now clearly I am not riding a bike in freezing temperatures and I’m not too familiar with maltodextrin, but I can relate to eating before a marathon and energy drinks.  There are so many other issues that he, along with the other contributors, discuss, any person interested in health would find the information useful (artificial sweeteners, intermittent fasting, the best cardio machine at the gym – really just anything you want to know.)

2) The website offers archives of all previous podcasts as well as previous articles, so you are certain to find whatever you are looking for.

3) If you have a question, just send it his way and it might be the topic of discussion for the next podcast  (I’m sending in one about the Paleo Diet, so be sure to listen out =P)

4) Most of the podcasts are pretty short (20-30 minutes), so it’s a great way to start your day while you are having your morning coffee (or putting on your makeup).

I have been searching quite some time now for a good podcast to help me with my running and fitness goals.  I’m so glad I came across Endurance Planet at 5:00am this morning, because now I feel like all I ever wanted to know is right at my fingertips (or headphones).  Thank you iTunes.

Happy Trails and Happy Running,

Side note: Ben Greenfield has his own website with his own podcasts AND he owns Endurance Planet.  Both are incredibly helpful and well worth your time.