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Posts tagged ‘nike’

Make it Count

Recently, I came across the incredibly talented filmmaker Casey Neistat. If you’ve never heard of him, don’t worry. He loves YouTube and shares all of his videos for your viewing pleasure. Currently, there are 82 commercials, short films, inspirational stories, and crazy videos to keep you entertained for quite some time. My favorite? A commercial for the Nike Fuel band:


You see, there are three things I love about this commercial. First, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Nike Fuel Band itself. Instead, it’s all about what the fuel band represents, an opportunity to #makeitcount every single day. Second, to travel the world, these guys had no plans and they had no worries. They figured it out as they went along, and guess what, they survived. Third, they did, lived, and experienced more in those 10 days than the majority of people will do in a lifetime. Yes, most of us do not have Nike financing our trip around the world but we do all have 24 hours in a day. And in my opinion, that’s really the only resource we need.

For me, to make it count means to stop thinking and start doing. To stop living with the “what ifs” and to start making decisions. To be comfortable in my own skin and to let go of this idea that what other people think of me actually matters. Because it doesn’t. To make it count means to not set a limit or a bar. If I do, I define what I am capable of achieving, and the truth is, I do not know my limits. To make each day count means to live in the present, not the past or the future. The past and the future are merely ideas and to be wrapped up in these ideas is to take away the experience of the now.

There is a great quote by Mark Twain and every time I find my mind wandering with the what ifs, I ground myself with these words: “I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

Today as I ran through the woods at Umstead Park, I actually had this vision of a bear attacking me (weird,I know). For a brief moment, I got very anxious. Then I remembered those words by Mark Twain and the commercial by Casey Neistat. I think I shall call today #makeitcount Monday.

Happy Trails and Happy Running,




In an effort to keep my fitness levels up as I slowly return back to running, I’ve been doing a few workouts from the Nike Training Club. Last Sunday at 4:15 am (I had to workout before Mario’s race), I attempted Cardio Killer for the first time. The workout is 15 minutes of jumping, core strength, and upper body strength. It’s a constant workout with only 3-30 second recovery periods. I’m pretty sure I hit the pause button a few times.

This morning I persuaded Mario to join me in Cardio Killer. It was during that second recovery period when I wanted to hit pause for the first time just so I could have another minute of rest. I said out loud to myself, you can hurt now or be sorry later. I kept going and never hit pause once. I was proud and it was a definite improvement from a week ago.

Cardio Killer Workout

Cardio Killer Workout

My point is progression happens. It may be hard to keep that in mind during a workout, but you’ll realize it a week, a month, or even a year from now. Two months ago, my toe stand was horrible. Now, I am so impressed with how much better my right side is than before. The body learns and the body adapts. You just have to keep teaching it.

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Recovery Update: I could have run this weekend, but I decided not to. My hip doesn’t really hurt, it’s only a little sore. Perhaps if it had not been pouring down rain and cold this morning, I would have headed out for a few easy miles. However, I did several hip flexor strengthening exercises, abs, and my Cardio Killer workout. I also started my morning with yoga.


This afternoon I was driving home from the gym and I had this overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. In my mind, I have had more running struggles than I feel like one person should. However, I am thankful for every single one of them…

Today I received my confirmation email for the Chicago Marathon. I have no idea why, but I randomly entered the lottery last week. Either I saw it on someone’s Twitter feed, Facebook or somewhere else. I’m not sure but I’m certainly glad I signed up. October 13th will be my next marathon.

I am thankful for my struggles because I feel like I am finally going to have my race. I am thankful for my struggles because they have taught me more than anyone else’s words could have ever shown me. I am thankful for the feeling of sadness when I couldn’t run because it makes the moments when I am running, incredibly more rewarding. The ups and the downs are what it means to truly be living life. If everything seemed mediocre all the time, that would be beyond boring. As Mario’s dad used to tell him… life is like the sine wave. It goes up and it goes down. I’m headed up.

I know that my constant failures will eventually get me to my success, and I wholeheartedly believe that my best race is yet to come. I have seven months from tomorrow until race day. I will make this happen.

This Michael Jordan Nike commercial is my motto:

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Recovery Update: I’m still not running but I’m dedicating a lot more time to strengthening my hip flexors and leg muscles. Today I did the hip flexor exercises I wrote about yesterday. The difference I could tell in my left side was amazing! Normally, I feel like I never engage my left side. Now I feel like I can’t stop engaging it. I’m dedicating the next three months to strength training and massive aerobic base building.

And can I just share a few of my favorite Ray Lewis quotes that I’ve been using for motivation lately:

I ain’t found no man that’ll out work me. You might out run me on the 40 but you ain’t gonna out work me for 60 minutes. 

It ain’t because I got something special. The only thing I got special is I made up my mind to be special. 


You can hear more here.

Geoff Hollister – A Great Loss to the Running Community

“It’s not about how long you live, but how you contribute… It’s about doing your best, and doing the right thing.  It’s about recovering from your mistakes and not giving up.  It’s about the baton pass to a new generation.  It’s about the realization that you cannot go it alone. It takes a team.”

– Geoff Hollister

This week the running world lost a pioneer- a man who changed the running landscape and who helped to bring us Nike, the company that changed our running world forever.  Although I was not very familiar with Mr. Hollister, I have been simply inspired by learning about his work ethic, dedication, and determination to the sport of running and the community.  He preached a message of hard work and demanded nothing short excellence from his athletes. As stated in this article, he loved “grassroots running, thinking outside the box, and connecting with the youth running community.”  He was a genuine man who traveled across the country to sell shoes out of the trunk of his car because he believed so deeply in the product he was promoting.  Those who were closest to him say he taught others how to live, was able to talk to anyone for hours about anything, and encouraged us to remember a simpler time in running.  A time when people simply gave their hearts to run, jump, and throw.

This is certainly a hard time for Nike, the Hollister family, and the running community.  My heart goes out to all of those who are affected by this loss.  At the same time, I feel fortunate and proud to be part of community that attracts individuals such as Mr. Hollister.  Devoted, kind, encouraging, and a man who expected the best and who gave his best every single day. May he rest in peace.