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A Good Run

A while back I received an email from a fellow blogger, asking if I wanted to take part in his running project, A Good Run.  I felt super important because out of the many bloggers in NC, he asked me.  (Maybe the other NC peeps had been too busy, but I was happy nonetheless.)  Well my big part in this project is coming up on Monday and I wanted to share with you all a little about his project.  Of course I know what I signed up for, but I wanted to know a little more about the history of this project.  So today, that is the direction I am taking my question…

What is the history of A Good Run?

A Good Run is a running project that gets people to run their city and highlight local landmarks , thank those people who are important in their lives, share it with others, and support a cause that is important to them.  Steve Good, who is also the founder of GrassrootGive , started this project after running 65 miles in 8 states in 8 days. He only spent $65 in transportation costs, and raised over $1500 for the Iron Phi program, which benefits ALS.  His is now challenging people to do the same… run their city for a cause, thank those people who are important to them, and then share their route with others.

Basically what I’ll be doing this weekend is running a route in Raleigh and stopping at my favorite landmarks along the way (stores, restaurants, museums, etc.).  Mario will take a picture of me at each stop and then I’ll write a post about the places and why they are important to me.  I will also share a map of the run and that way if anyone visits the Raleigh area, they will already have a route mapped out that includes some cool places.  Finally, I will mention the charity that is important to me and explain why I am supporting it.  You can read more about it here.

This project will be ongoing until April 29, 2013.  If you want to see what cities have already been featured, check them out here.  It really is a cool way to learn about local places while doing good at the same time.  I’m excited to be a part of this running adventure and to be able to share with others the many things I love about Raleigh.  Oh, and I made the coolest thank you sign for my run.  I am anything but crafty and typically suck at any creative task .  But my sign is fabulous, in a not so crafty kind of way. 🙂

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! I’ll be spending 5 hours outdoors in 100+ degrees for my chi running class tomorrow.  But it’s all in the name of better running form…

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


Raleigh, NC. I’m so proud of my photography skills!
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