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Six Months Post Surgery and a Big Announcement

It’s been months since I’ve written, and I have a good reason. I promise. You see, in my last post I declared to myself and to the world that I would once again be at the starting line of the Boston Marathon. I would train smart, take care of my hip, and have my day of redemption come April 2015. After I hit publish, I was stoked. It was going to be my ultimate comeback story.

But, as life would have it, I learned the very next day that my day in Boston would have to wait. In fact, it’s probably going to have to wait a few years. And I’m totally okay with that because there is something bigger and better in my future than that finish line on Boylston Street. Instead of running the 26.2 miles through Boston in April, Mario and I will anxiously be awaiting to meet the newest member of our family, Baby Rodriguez (or as we like to call it, Baby T-Rod).

The day after I announced to the world I would be running Boston once again, was the day I found out I was pregnant. We always said we wanted kids after Boston 2014. Somehow I always let running take over my life and I thought crossing that finish line this past April would be the perfect time to take a break. One nearly broken hip later, and I wanted one more shot at that race. Well, the Universe has her ways, and I’m glad she does. On May 2, 2015, almost one year to the day since my hip surgery, I will take on a new role. My role as a mom. (I would also like to add that May 2nd is my birthday and if the little one is actually born on that day, it’ll make two years in a row that I’ve been in the same hospital on my birthday.)

So how has life been since we found out our family of two is growing to three, while at the same time trying to get back into running? Hard, let’s just say that. Both mentally and physically.

First and foremost, you know that whole 1st trimester, feel like crap, only want to sleep thing? Well that is very real. Forget having any green smoothies or superfoods. Carbs, french fries, and potato chips were my go to food of choice. Granted, I did always start the morning out with a healthy breakfast to negate what I would be consuming later. I just don’t think it ever balanced out like that I had planned. My nutrition was headed back to my high school days, but thankfully, 14 weeks in and I once again love my green smoothies.

Second, a lot of people know me as some crazy workout person. I’m not really sure where that comes from, but I think running to the point of having a nearly broken hip had something to do with it. Anyhow, I was determined to not let pregnancy slow me down. Wake up, workout, run, and do my thing. But I had two forces pulling me in completely opposite directions. One said to give my body a break, slow down, stop trying so hard. The other said, heck, you’re just now getting back to running. Try harder! (Maybe I am that crazy person after all?) Well let me just say that was not, nor has not, been easy mentally. I will never forget the day I went for my first 6.5 mile run. I’m fairly certain I slept for the next 4 hours on the couch and then went to bed at 8:00 pm. My body is not the same body it was at the beginning of this year, and it won’t be for many months to come.

13 Weeks

13 Weeks

Yesterday actually marked 6 months since my hip surgery. I remember right before going into surgery, my doc said it would be 6 months to a year before I could run again. At the time, that seemed so far away but yet, here I am. Running for two. 2014 has been a crazy year, full of learning experiences. I left my job, worked to start my own business and figure out this thing we call life, had an injury that took away the one thing that makes me feel the most “me”, and now we’re having a baby. Talk about change! I’m not sure I would have ever envisioned all of this 10 months ago, but it has helped me to realize that nothing stays the same. And six months from today, things will be even more different. I’m curious to see what 2015 has in store.

On a side note, however, I have picked out my two next long distance races. (You can’t take crazy out of the runner.) The City of Oaks Half Marathon in November 2015 and the Tobacco Road Marathon in 2016. If all goes well, that’ll put Boston on the calendar for 2017. And then, I’ll have the best little cheerleader around. 🙂

Happy Trails and Happy Running,


6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Congrats Tracie! I was wondering when this may come about and was delighted to see you tag your post “baby.” Happy days to the T-Rod family!

    October 31, 2014
    • Thank you so much Tania!!! We are very excited and looking forward to new adventures. 2014 has definitely been an interesting year. 🙂

      November 6, 2014
  2. Amy #

    Congratulations, Tracie! Very exciting news!

    October 31, 2014
    • Thank you Amy!!! We are very, very excited.

      November 6, 2014
  3. Tracie, This post brought me to tears. I’ve thought of you often and felt very close to you as you share with the blogosphere you’re struggles and triumphs. I am so happy for you and Mario:)

    November 5, 2014
    • Thank you Becca for the sweet words!!! This year has definitely been a year of struggles and I’m hoping for a few more triumphs next year. Not every year can be great, or so I’ve learned. MIss you lots and come back to NC to visit us sometime soon! xoxo

      November 6, 2014

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